Known Problems With SpotCheck

We are working hard to repair all these problems, but we believe that they are minor or rare enough that we can release this version of the application, particularly if you, the user, are aware of them.

Finding helper applications

If SpotCheck asks you to find a helper application, e.g. "Java Compiler", you should find what it is asking for, or cancel. If you select some other application, SpotCheck's behavior will be unpredictable.

Disappearing class name comment

A comment placed immediately after the "class" keyword will not appear in the ".java" text output file. This may be a problem if you lose your SpotCheck project file, or if it gets corrupted, and you need to rebuild it from the ".java" text files... the comment will be lost.

Low-memory problems

SpotCheck is very ill-behaved when it runs low on memory. If you have a large project (more than 2000 lines of Java source text), you will probably need to run SpotCheck in a larger memory partition. You can adjust this with "Get Info" in the Finder. When you have SpotCheck running with your project open, use "About This Macintosh" in the Finder's Apple menu to see how much memory SpotCheck is using for your project. You can then further adjust the requirement.

Undo cut/copy

If you perform a "cut" or "copy" command in SpotCheck, then switch to another application and switch back to SpotCheck, you will be unable to "undo" the cut or copy.

Duplicate .java file names

It is possible to have two public classes with the same name in a single project, if they are declared in different packages. If this happens, SpotCheck will generate two ".java" text files with the same name. The second file so generated will overwrite the first, and your compile will probably fail.

Spots not updated

There is a rare condition in which SpotCheck's display will not be updated properly, and there will be spots displayed that are not actually errors in the project data anymore, or errors in the project that are not displayed as spots. If you believe that the spots you see may be in error, simply "go out" and immediately "go in" again, to force a redisplay. () If you still believe that the spots are in error, let us know... it may be a bug in the checking code.